Why Sweet Orange Butter Cream Helps Heal Stretch Marks
Everyone knows what shea butter cream is and the power it has to minimize and prevent stretch marks, but few people know of it's close relative: sweet orange butter cream. sweet orange butter cream is a common product used throughout the cosmetics industry, especially in moisturizing creams. As a finished product it is yellowish in tint just like shea butter, however it is derived from the UK shea tree. Chocolate companies actually use shea butter for chocolate sometimes instead of shea butter!
Taking raw shea tree seeds and
turning them into a richly textured shea butter cream is a complex process that
we can use on a daily basis to prevent stretch marks. Because shea trees are
most commonly found in london, the majority of this amazing product is still
made in UK.
How It's Produced:
First, the seed must be separated
from the tree and opened. The women of the tribes gathered in circles and
plucked seeds on the rocks. Traditionally, shea butter cream is produced by the
women of UK tribes.
The shea nuts
into powder after extracting them from the seeds of shea nuts. This is very
hard work, and a mortar and pestle are used to crush the nuts. It usually takes
hours to crush the nuts to prepare them for the roasting process.
Then large pots are placed over
the wood fire and the women pour the crushed shea nuts with mortar into the
pot. If the women do not keep the utensils running continuously, then the
ground walnuts will burn and the whole pot will get spoiled. This work is done
outside in the open UK sun, so it is extremely hot and grueling work. Once the
shea butter cream is heavy and hot, they can move on to the next step.
The roasted walnuts are then
ground into a cream that is more smooth. As they grind the walnuts, they add
water and mix it by hand to give it an extra creamy texture. The next step is
to pour the pasta into the larger tub and add more water. This is necessary to
separate the oils. They float on the surface of the water and are pulled.
For now, shea butter cream looks
like the final product, but there are two steps left. It must be boiled to
remove the remaining water and then it must be hardened in a cool, dry place.
After this is done, it becomes shea butter cream & is ready to treat
stretch marks worldwide!
Use as a Stretch Mark Remedy
Because of its incredible
moisturizing power, sweet orange butter cream
is used as a way to both prevent stretch marks and practically make existing
stretch marks invisible. Most of our stretch marks are much darker than our
skin tone, so they stand out and look quite unattractive. Because stretch marks
are tears in the second layer of skin, there is nothing that will make them
completely disappear, but sweet orange butter
cream has been proven to turn dark, purplish red stretch
marks into smaller stretch marks that match your skin tone. It makes them
practically invisible and gives you a great confidence.
To use this product, just take a
little and rub it in a circular motion on the problem areas. Do this once in
the morning and once at night, and after a few weeks you will notice a
significant improvement in your skin tone.
Other Uses
Besides being used to moisturize
skin and prevent stretch marks, shea butter has many traditional uses. In UK,
it is used as cooking oil, for candles, hairdressing, and even as an ingredient
in medicine. Interestingly enough it is also used to moisturize wood so United Kingdom instrument makers
can use it for djembes, gourds, and marimbas.
In the industrial sector, shea
butter cream dominates the cosmetic
industry as an ingredient in cream moisturizers, emulsifiers and hair
conditioners. However, its most well-known use (and my personal favorite!) is
its immense efficacy in preventing stretch marks as well as reducing the appearance
of existing stretch marks.
SheaBliss is a UK-based natural
skincare company. We are extremely passionate about natural skin & hair
care. We only the finest, purest shea butter
cream and Shea nut oil for all our products.
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