Sweet Orange Butter Cream


Our organic and unrefined shea butter is sourced direclty from the african continent where its made in small batches by the african women. It has a nutty and smokey fragrance which is a trademark of unrefined shea butter. It is delicate strong and has a pale ivory tone. Kindly note that since the shea margarine is characteristic and natural, its tone and smell can fluctuate from one cluster to another.

What is shea butter?

It's strong at warm temperatures and has a grayish or ivory tone. Shea trees are local to West Africa, and most shea spread actually comes from that district.

Shea butter has been utilized as a restorative element for quite a long time.



Where do all of these benefits come from?

The benefits of shea butter come from its chemical makeup. Shea butter contains:

·        Linoleic, palmitic, stearic, and oleic fatty acids, ingredients that balance oils on your skin

·        vitamins A, E, and F, antioxidant vitamins that promote circulation and healthy skin cell growth

·        Triglycerides, the fatty part of the shea nut that nourishes and conditions your skin

·        Cetyl esters, the waxy part of the shea nut butter that conditions skin and locks in moisture


Remember that the specific cosmetics differs as per where the shea nuts are gathered from. You may likewise discover shea spread blended in with added fixings, for example, tea tree oil or lavender oil.


Possible side effects and risks

There are no reported instances of effective shea butter hypersensitivities. Indeed, even individuals with tree nut sensitivities ought to have the option to utilize shea margarine on their skin.

All things considered, end use in the event that you start encountering disturbance and irritation. Look for crisis clinical consideration in the event that you experience serious agony, expanding, or trouble relaxing.


It may help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles


By boosting collagen creation and advancing new cell age, shea butter may help diminish what scientists call photoaging — the wrinkles and barely recognizable differences that natural pressure and maturing can make on skin.


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